A Center of Excellence (CoE) is a unified body in an organization that works across specific domains or business units (BUs) or learning tracks within a domain and has a leading-edge knowledge and competency in that area. It is comprised of highly-skilled individuals, academicians, core professionals and domain experts, who disseminate knowledge in an organization and share best practices for benefits of its members, local communities or target beneficiaries.
Excellence means greatness — the very best. Achieving excellence is never easy to do. Excellence is a quality that people really appreciate, because it’s so hard to find. Excellence is the quality of excelling, of being truly the best at something.
The ACE CoE | Centre of Excellence mission and vision is to share, support and strengthen the Next Generation of India Youth – The GenZ with authentic, time-tested and step-by-step transformation process so that every individual explore, experience and express his/her true potential
The creative, collaborative model of ACE CoEs is designed in a way to enhance and enable replicas and thus encourage Time Saving, Better communication. Prevention of duplicacy of efforts, improves Quality of Service, Intelligent adaptation, automation and augmentation of training through hybrid mode of working (online/offline experiential knowledge driven applications)
A Centre of Excellence (CoE) is a collaborative team of skilled knowledge workers whose mission is to provide the institution / organization / community they work for with best practices around a particular area of interest. A CoE should include representatives from ACE, Organization management, a line of industry / business (LoB), information technology (IT) and Academic / Training domains.
Know more about CoE | Centre of Excellence here